Season 12

June 6, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 7: Snippy Vampires

Quick question, what do you call a gathering of vampires? David and Brent argue that and the finer points of Guinness Book of World Records attempts by vampires this week. Also, Snippy a horse that died 55 years ago by unusua...

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June 1, 2022

Campfire Ghost Stories | 289

It’s vacation week here at Hysteria 51. David is learning how to clean up the bots for Summertime Shenanigans (just a hose and fire) and Brent is trying to convince Producer Lisa his body is beach ready (pray for us all). To ...

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May 30, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 6: Dead Alien Panties

Mom... I got you something... It’s a thong! Probably not what you want for Mother’s Day! Then again, maybe you do. We don’t kink shame here at H51. But that is just what some Pennsylvania mothers got from their local Catholic...

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May 25, 2022

Voicemailpalooza | 288

Voicemail Time!!! You know the drill, you call us at 773-669-7277 and we play your messages on the show! Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories: Support the Show Get exclusive content & perks as well a...

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May 23, 2022

Mad Blurry Hysteria: Congressional UAP Briefing | BONUS

Congress held its first public hearing on UFOs in more than half a century. U.S. intelligence officials Scott Bray and Ronald Moultrie as well as members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle came together top ta...

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May 18, 2022

Tarot Time | 287

You see them all the time when driving, signs saying PSYCHIC in neon. It's the home of the tarot card readers. But, is there anything to it or is it just a cash grab and time suck like everything else in our lives?? Well, thi...

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May 16, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 5: Dry Mead Pits

Don’t you just hate it when you dump a body and forget all about it. Then decades of climate change come a calling and said body comes back to haunt you? No... just our robot? Well, sadly, he’s not alone as Lake mead in Nevad...

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May 11, 2022

Kelly–Hopkinsville Encounter: The Birth of "Little Green Men" | 286

August 21, 1955 started off like so many others in the small community of Kelly, Kentucky, just another hot summer night. Lucky Sutton along with his family and friends were enjoying a quiet peaceful evening. But they were ab...

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May 9, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 4: Space Oreo Law

Just when you thought you had planned the perfect heist Canada comes along and poo-poos all over your parade... in space... That’s right, it’s Canadian Space law this week on Blurry Hysteria, plus Aaron Babel sends us his fav...

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May 2, 2022

Vertical Plane: The Dodleston Messages | 285

Ken, Deb, Nic True are the nightmares of a person that fears. Safe are the bodies of the silent world. Turn pretty flower, turn towards the sun for you shall grow and sow. But the flower reaches too high and withers in the bu...

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April 27, 2022

H51 Classic: Project Montauk | BONUS

H51 Classic Time!! Stranger Things Season 4 is coming out soon so what better way to celebrate than to revisit our Montauk episode, the story that gave inspiration to the Stranger Things. Plus, who doesn't want some more Peck...

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April 25, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 3: Santa Body Mods

He might see you when you’re sleeping but you can see him when he’s dead! Maybe… If they found the tomb of the real life, honest to goodness Santa then you sure as heck can, and that’s just what David tries to convince us of ...

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April 20, 2022

Blurry Hysteria 2: Sexy Time

Break out the candles and pop open some wine, it’s time to get sexy…. Or at least talk about whale dorks and alien babies on this week’s haul of weird stories. You do you, we don’t kink shame! And, we have our first listener ...

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April 18, 2022

Sideworld: Haunted Forests of England | 284

Ah, Merry Old England, it's a magical place filled with wonder, excitement, and forests! And those forests are filled with hell hounds, and evil huntsmen, black eyed children, werewolves, vengeful ghosts, and even Pigmen... S...

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April 13, 2022

Blurry Hysteria: Thirsty Space Mermaids!

This week Brent convinces us we don’t have to be lonely; we can get plowed by an alien! And by plowed he means subjugated while the planet is stripped… Stripped of its resources, not the sexy kind of stripping. Or so warned S...

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April 11, 2022

Titanic Sized Conspiracies: 110th Anniversary | 283

It's been 110 years since that fateful night in April, 1912 when, on her maiden voyage, the largest ocean liner the world had ever seen was struck by an iceberg and sank in the cold Atlantic Ocean... Allegedly! Are the histor...

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April 4, 2022

Joe Fisher: A Man Murdered by Ghosts? | 282

Ah, love… Specifically true love. Soul mates even! Is there anything better? Yes, both of you being alive is a plus! That is just the predicament Joe Fisher found himself in, the love of his life (17 lifetimes to be exact) wa...

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March 28, 2022

Hypnosis | 281

You are getting very sleepy… Well, wake up! It’s time to talk Hypnosis on H51. From county fairs to courtrooms, the practice of Hypnosis has led men to laughs and to the electric chair. All through focused attention, reduced ...

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March 21, 2022

The Harry Turner Incident: 18 Wheels of Alien Terror | 280

" Ever since it all began, I’ve just been sitting here going over and over it in my mind, trying to piece things back together. I’d feel pretty good if I could just figure out where I’ve been. Twenty years from now I’ll still...

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March 15, 2022

The Barnebet Axe Murders | Bonus

As we welcome David Flora to the Hysteria 51 family we wanted to showcase some of his work on Blurry Photos. Here is his dive in The Barnabet Axe Murders, episode 247 of said Blurry Photos. It was originally released On Hallo...

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March 14, 2022

The Oakville Blobs: Sky Jelly or Government Cover-Up? | 279

We know the saying is "there’s always room for Jell-O", but maybe not when it falls from the sky and is full of human white blood cells. Or at least that is what the population of Oakville, Washington would have us believe af...

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March 7, 2022

The Red Barn Murder | 278

“Come all you Thoughtless Young men, a Warning Take by Me, And Think on My unhappy Fate to Be Hanged on a Tree; my Name is William Corder, to You I Do declare, I Courted Maria Marten, most Beautiful and Fair. I Promised I wou...

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Feb. 28, 2022

Voicemail Extravaganza 2 | 277

It has been WAY too long since we took a swing at listener voicemails. So, why not baptize David Flora, the new co-host, by fire and have him tackle voicemails he wasn't even a part of! Plus, Brent and David talk how the met,...

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Feb. 21, 2022

Operation Highjump: Redux | 276

They say you can't go home again. But they never said you can't go Antarctica in search of secret Nazi bases…again! That's what the fellas are doing this week as they dive in to Operation Highjump…again. H51 started almost 6 ...

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