Witness of Another World | 168

This week Brent sits down with Alan Stivelman, director of Witness of Another world, a fantastic new documentary: A lonely gaucho named Juan lives a solitary existence on a remote farm ever since he witnessed a UFO event. Filmmaker Alan Stivelman together with the help of well-known scientist and researcher Jacques Vallée begin an epic journey to help Juan in understanding the deep meaning of his close encounter. This true story shows the long-term consequences of close encounters, proving that no one is exempt from a potential contact.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
Trailer - https://youtu.be/nAvH8I7o8Ek
Witness of Another World - https://www.witnessofanotherworld.com/
Vice - https://bit.ly/2Pqhu8i
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/witnessufo/
Watch Witness of Another World
Amazon Prime - https://www.amazon.com/Witness-Another-World-Juan-Perez/dp/B07Z9SHRNQ
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQUf2mW26-o
Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=PQUf2mW26-o