Oct. 29, 2018
Werewolves: A Hysteria Halloween part 3 | 109

At Hysteria 51 we love Halloween. The crisp fall air, creepily carved pumpkins, bonfires, s’mores, wolfmen eviscerating the innocent. You know...normal stuff. This week we dive into lycanthropy. Do werewolves really exist? If not, where do the legends come from? If so, how do we kill the curs-ed? Plus, which Ninja Turtle is the best?(Hint: It’s Michelangelo) If you dress up as a He-Man character and no one notices - did it really happen? (Hint: Yes) And we uncover why Conspiracy Bot loves zombies (it isn’t surprising). All of that and more on the podcast that loves our werewolves without teen-heartthrobs...but with a little David Pumpkins - Hysteria 51.