Waco: The Siege | 328

It’s back into the world of cults this week as we take on Waco part Deux, the return of the Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh,the septuagenarian buggering wannabe rock-star turned sinful messiah. We are focusing on the siege that ended in the death of 76 people, including several children. Was it mishandled? Who is to blame? What happened to the survivors? Janet Reno didn’t return our calls, But Kevin Crispin and JTR Brown sure did, so they are back to help us break this all down.
Special thanks to this week’s sources:
Before the Flames: Story of David Koresh and the Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists | A. Anthony Hibbert
Prophets of the Apocalypse: David Koresh and Other American Messiahs | Kenneth R. Samples
Waco: The Inside Story | Documentary | FRONTLINE – https://youtu.be/iFGNvLuRADg
Who were David Koresh and the Branch Davidians? – https://abcn.ws/34E6wSQ
Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120472/
Documentary: Waco – https://youtu.be/GLSRobvR-1Q
Waco Siege – https://bit.ly/2WUg9dB
Mount Carmel Center – https://bit.ly/36MJTh4
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – https://bit.ly/2WUgjld
Branch Davidians – https://bit.ly/2K1xFqT
Seventh-day Adventist Church – https://bit.ly/36HVCNz
David Koresh – https://bit.ly/34Pi9GP
Victor Houteff – https://bit.ly/2NsiKZ9
Janet Reno – https://bit.ly/36KkggA
PBS – https://to.pbs.org/2CpC6aV
PBS – https://to.pbs.org/2WV0FpK
Crime Traveler – https://bit.ly/33tIWrJ
ATF – https://bit.ly/33pwuJG
Chicago Tribune – https://bit.ly/36Kzmmn
The Gospel Coalition – https://bit.ly/2WXZ0zK
J.T.R. Brown – http://www.jtrbrownwriting.com/
And make sure to check out JTR Brown’s book
Scab Among the Stars available now – https://amzn.to/2XBEQvq
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Kevin Crispin
Kevin Crispin is a Mental Health Advocate, Podcaster, Public Speaker, Actor, and Writer. As someone who has suffered from severe anxiety, Kevin uses his life experiences to shed a light on Mental Health as well as work to connect people through kindness, humor, and empathy. He is the host of the weekly podcast Sad Times.
Each week on Sad Times, he has a kind and generous guest who comes on and tells difficult stories from their lives. He believes that difficult stories are universal, but are not universally told. To be aware of our own fear and anxiety and depression can allow us room for the grace and kindness to understand that our fellow humans are dealing with a version of the exact same thing.
He believes each of us is a collection of stories, and that stories are the great healing currency of humankind: the more we hear, the more we heal.
He believes in kindness, he believes in humor, he runs from tornado sirens.
Learn more at the links below

JTR Brown
J.T.R. Brown writes tales of the bizarre, the surreal, and the macabre. He is the author of two novels, SCAB AMONG THE STARS and THE CHARLATANS as well as a short-story anthology, the Amazon #1 Best-Selling New Release in American Horror, MACHINES AND FEVER DREAMS.