Waco: The Branch Davidian Cult and the Rise of David Koresh | 164

How did a septuagenarian buggering wannabe rock-star suffering from dyslexia go from handyman to cult leader, culminating in the death of 80 people? We try to answer that very question this week (and not because Cbot is looking for tips). Plus, Kevin Crispin returns to the lower 4th, J.T.R. Brown makes his debut on H51 to help us wrap our heads around the mental health (or lack thereof) of cult leaders, and CBot regales us with his love for the year 1993. All that and more on the podcast that doesn’t have a cult secretly funding us, just Goforth’s Patreon sniff money – Hysteria 51
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
Before the Flames: Story of David Koresh and the Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists | A. Anthony Hibbert
Prophets of the Apocalypse: David Koresh and Other American Messiahs | Kenneth R. Samples
Waco: The Inside Story | Documentary | FRONTLINE - https://youtu.be/iFGNvLuRADg
Who were David Koresh and the Branch Davidians? - https://abcn.ws/34E6wSQ
Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120472/
Documentary: Waco - https://youtu.be/GLSRobvR-1Q
Waco Siege - https://bit.ly/2WUg9dB
Mount Carmel Center - https://bit.ly/36MJTh4
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - https://bit.ly/2WUgjld
Branch Davidians - https://bit.ly/2K1xFqT
Seventh-day Adventist Church - https://bit.ly/36HVCNz
David Koresh - https://bit.ly/34Pi9GP
Victor Houteff - https://bit.ly/2NsiKZ9
Janet Reno - https://bit.ly/36KkggA
PBS - https://to.pbs.org/2CpC6aV
PBS - https://to.pbs.org/2WV0FpK
Crime Traveler - https://bit.ly/33tIWrJ
ATF - https://bit.ly/33pwuJG
Chicago Tribune - https://bit.ly/36Kzmmn
The Gospel Coalition - https://bit.ly/2WXZ0zK
J.T.R. Brown - http://www.jtrbrownwriting.com/
And make sure to check out JTR Brown's book
Scab Among the Stars available now - https://amzn.to/2XBEQvq
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