The Pascagoula Abduction: A Controversial Close Encounter | 130

There’s nothing like fishing in the evening with a friend. The only sounds disturbing your peaceful respite are the gentle trickles of water, the rhythmic chirping of crickets, and the loud whirring of an alien aircraft that’s come to abduct you. OK, that last one might be unique to this story. The Pascagoula Abduction was a close encounter of the 4th kind in Mississippi in the early 70’s. Out on a fishing trip, 2 men where minding their own business when a UFO flew down and the inhabitants abducted the men. The aliens were said to have elephant-like skin and lobster-claws for hands. And while this sounds a bit far-fetched, even a polygraph was passed. They were even hypnotized to get the truth. The hypnotist’s conclusion? The fishermen “experienced an extraterrestrial phenomena”. This week we’re cooking up some mashed potatoes and diving into this close encounter. Plus, why is Conspiracy Bot hiring the Polish figure skating team (it’s a long story)? We learn Dick Cheney is actually a robot (we can’t prove this, but no one would be surprised). And Rob Kristoffersen, host of the Our Strange Skies joins us in the lower 4th to talk alien elephants. All of that and more on the podcast that’s never seen an alien elephant, all of the elephants we’ve seen were naturalized – Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant – Raymond Walden IV
Pascagoula-The Closest Encounter: My Story – Calvin Parker
UFO Contact at Pascagoula: Charles Hickson and William Mendez
The Pascagoula Abductions – Hickson and Harder Interview
Pascagoula Abduction Incident with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker in 1973
Wikipedia –
Fox10 –
WGNO News –
Our Strange Skies –
Deep haze by Kevin MacLeod (
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