Ever go a concert and hear an annoying ring or hum in your ears afterward? Now imagine you didn’t go to the concert, but still hear it. Where’s it coming from? Why is it worse inside my house? HOW CAN I STOP IT?!? This is the situation for 1000s of citizens across the globe that experience The Hum. It’s only in specific cities (Taos, Windsor, etc) and only certain citizens can hear it (generally 2-4%) of the population. What’s causing it? Why are some people more susceptible to than others? How do you actually pronounce Tinnitus? We put on our headphones and ask the tough questions this week about THE HUM. Plus, the fellas HUM the Crash Test Dummies for your listening pleasure (c’mon, you saw that coming), Assistant Ray becomes Producer Ray for the day (we’re unsure of the results), and we give you an update from AlienCon (spoiler – no Giorgio). All of that and more on the podcast that can’t hear the Hum but our wives would argue our hearing is selective to begin with – Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
The Hum - https://bit.ly/2KZXj0E
What is causing the mysterious ‘worldwide hum'? - https://bit.ly/2WQiG6P
Live Science - https://bit.ly/31HmGKr
Wikipedia - https://bit.ly/1CGdurr
The Guardian - https://bit.ly/2UBTnFh
Hum Map - http://thehum.info/
Strange Sounds - https://bit.ly/2x36oxt
Skeptoid - https://bit.ly/2RpXNyf
Hysteria 51 - http://hysteria51.com/