Ear splitting sound- Check. Immense pain- Check. Loss of balance- Check. Loss of bowel control- Check. Skin boiling- Check. All sorts of other happy fun time activities?!?!?! Check! No, we aren’t headed to an ICP concert, it’s Sonic weapons this week on Hysteria 51. And Brent is joined by Jeff Adamec of Changing Hearts and Minds Podcast to help get to the bottom of these crazy weapons. All that plus CBot tries out his own Sonic Weapon on the podcast that should always be turned up to 11, Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
Ancient Aliens - https://youtu.be/SRCH8a8Ehqc
Sonic Weapons - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_weapon
History - https://www.history.com/news/sonic-weapons-warfare-acoustic
The Conversation - http://theconversation.com/sonic-attacks-in-china-and-cuba-how-sound-can-be-a-weapon-97380
BitCad - https://blog.bitcad.io/sonic-weapons-ddc0d6d688a2
Littlefield - https://littlefield.co/the-psychoacoustic-effect-of-infrasonic-sonic-and-ultrasonic-frequencies-within-non-lethal-cf05e1fd8673
Spectrum - https://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/devices/finally-a-likely-explanation-for-the-sonic-weapon-used-at-the-us-embassy-in-cuba
Changing Hearts and Minds Podcast
Website - http://chmpodcast.libsyn.com/website
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