Shadow People: Interdimensional Boogeymen or Figments of Sleep Deprived Imaginations? | 57

You’re laying in bed half asleep, half awake and see something out of the corner of your eye. Did that shadow just move? No, that’s silly. Shadows don’t move. But, then again…it really seemed like it moved…there it is again..but closer…and closer. It’s our ANNUAL HALLOWEEN SHOW and it’s time to talk Shadow People! Shadow people are thought by many to be conscious, intelligent, inter-dimensional beings that can move in and out of our dimension at will. And these bad boys aren’t here just to play canasta. They are reported to paralyze their victims, drain them of energy, and do much, much worse. We go hunting in the dark to find out more. Plus, we play some of our favorite clips from Halloween movies (fun!). Conspiracy Bot gets legs (bad idea!). And the show is joined by JP Doyal of Just Paranormal (horrible idea for him!). All of that and more on the podcast that doesn’t always see shadow people, but when we do it means 6 more weeks of HALLOWEEN – Hysteria 51.