Roundtable: Barney and Betty Hill | 274

60 Years! 60 Years have gone by since Barney and Betty had their alleged abduction experience. Now, you've heard us drone on about them enough. It's time to get some new, fresh perspectives. Rob Kristoffersen of Our Strange Skies and David Flora of Blurry Photos join Brent to talk what we have learned from this case in the 6 decades that have passed since that terrifying night in New Hampshire. How has it shaped pop culture? Is there new evidence? Was it all just a hoax or a terrifying true experience? We break it down this week in a roundtable discussion of the case with so many names: The Hill Abduction, The Zeta Reticuli Incident, The Interrupted Journey... Whatever you call it, it's this week on Hysteria 51
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Extraterrestrials in the Stacks: An Archivist’s Journey with Alien Abduction, A Stained Blue Dress, and the Betty and Barney Hill Collection | William Ross
Project Blue Book: Declassified – The True Story of The Hill Abduction -
60 years since New Hampshire couple was reportedly abducted by aliens -
Hypnotherapy Used To Uncover Hidden Memories Of Alien Abduction | UFOs: The Lost Evidence -
History -
Barney and Betty Hill -
Guide to the Betty and Barney Hill Papers -\
NBC News Maine -