Roanoke - The Lost Colony | 17

Ever put something somewhere and when you come back to get it, it’s gone? Us too. Well, that also happened to artist-turned-governor John White in 1590. Though, instead of losing his keys, he lost a colony of over 100 people including his daughter and granddaughter. How’s that for being born under a bad sign? When John returned to the scene of the crime (?), not only were the people gone, but so were the buildings. The only thing that remained was a wood post with the word “Croatoan” etched into its surface. Where did they go? What did Croatoan mean? And why in GOD’S NAME WAS AN ARTIST IN CHARGE OF A COLONY? Sorry, we let that one get away from us. The H51 I-Team investigates. Plus Conspiracy Bot gets a seat at the table, Gofo tries (unsuccessfully) to convince Brent to read, and the boys share the words to a Jimmy Buffet song you only thought you knew. All of that and more on the podcast that had you at hello, but then kept talking – Hysteria 51.