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Great show
Love listening to this show, they make listening to the ufo news entertaining. I Enjoy the skepticism and witty banter.

👽 💜
One of the few podcasts that makes me laugh out loud like a crazy person. I love conspiracy bot so much! Brent and John are cool too 😎 Stay woke meat sacks!


Completely. You guys aren’t funny no matter how many cartoon sound effects and movie clips you drop in, or how much you laugh at your own jokes.

Podcast with a touch of MST3K
Just started listening to this podcast and I really like it. You not only get topics on oddities, the paranormal and aliens, but you get random sound bytes and the presenters just enjoying themselves which makes it all the more enjoyable. The back and forth reminds me of MST3K along with their antagonistic robot. Good stuff!

When do we get the cage match?
If yo enjoy conspiracies, paranormal, food, or just general insanity, you should like this. Maybe one day they will let Joe Peck back on the show. All in all, they do a good job presenting the information in an entertaining way. Now go get your cheese muffins and beware the bot booze. And definitly do not inquire about the hang low.

Needs more Robot
This show is great but it could be greater if they swapped those idiot hosts with Conspiracy Bot and Joe Peck full time. Everyone knows they are the real stars of the show and the only ones that bring any real knowledge and entertainment to the podcast.

Love this podcast
You guys are great.

No words can can describe….
Brent is miss spelled. It’s supposed to be spelled Brett. JK This show is the best, 3 out 5 stars don’t change a thing!!!

Heard you mentioned on Cryptids of the Corn about the Mirror episode and decided to check it out. So glad I did. Love the show & definitely recommend it! Keep up the great work.

Brent is some sort of pigeon or another.

Go hang out at the Grab-A-Java
I listen to A LOT of podcasts. This is my favorite. Always funny and easygoing, yet very well researched topics. As a former Chicagoan and now a Central Illinoisan, I really enjoy the occasional references to Illinois. When john left, I was worried the podcast would end or conspiracy bot would become a permanent host. So happy David is hosting. He is a great addition to the show. He was always an excellent guest host.

Great podcast
Love this podcast

Can’t get enough.
Well researched and delivered in a better than professional manner. The guys do a fabulous job providing just the facts. My only complaint is that there isn’t a cheese biscuit recipe or a link to purchase BotBooze.

Lisa REIGNS! Lisa ROCKS! May she reign supreme, LONG AND ROCK HARD!!!

Best Paranormal Podcast There Is
Very professionally done and funny. I like that they are skeptical and actually do a lot of research. Some people may be turned off by C-bot when first listening... but once you become a fan you will come to love him. I also like that they don't over use C-bot... that could be annoying. I do question why they have on some of their guest hosts, but it's ok. Kevin does a great job! I just LOVE you guys and the majority of my sleep list is filled with your podcast. THE WARRENS is my current favorite one that you have done. Thanks for all the effort you put into this podcast!

Love Flora!
I’ve always enjoyed Hysteria 51, but I’ll admit that it wasn’t a “go-to” podcast. I was already a fan of Blurry Photos, so with the addition of David Flora on the episodes, I now look forward to hearing what the guys are digging into each week. More legitimate stories and less awkward “bot” interruptions has me hooked. Thanks for continuing to evolve, guys!

Not Joe Peck
I just need a little help for a few minutes and then I’ll send it over the phone. Thanks again I appreciate it. I just wanted a few things to do. I’m sorry I missed your call yesterday. I just wanted you in your room and your phone was on.

Possessed toddler
I don’t listen to this when my kids are around due to them saying every bad word they hear once, but my 2 year old did hear Kyle and now yells “cheese muffins” all the time. Which almost knocked it down a star. But that’s forgivable as my 2 year old would inevitably say something else annoying if she wasn’t saying cheese muffins. Fun listen. Fun choices. Best as a supplementary listen for some topics as they don’t dive as deep, but do have informed opinions.

Came from Brohio and about 25 episodes away from finishing all of them lol yes I’m digging deep! These guys are great! It is worth listening to them! Also cbot for prezz!!!
Years ago I worked with a gentleman who used a dynavox to communicate. Every time I hear C-Bot I hear his voice and it's like we hanging out again. He would love you guys as much as I do. But C-Bot would definitely be his fave! Thanks guys!
Brent and David make a fantastic Team. I don't give a hootin' holler what Conspiracy Bot says. That Bucket of Bolts still owes me fifteen dollars he said he was going to use to buy smokes then he never came back! Or was that my Dad? I get confused sometimes..... But what I'm not confused about is how great this podcast is. I've listened for years and will continue to do so. After all...I want that $15 back...

Excellent podcast!!
The hosts are very funny but also very informative. I wish I could give more than 5 stars! Really great show!
Great show with a great mix of humor and information.
Does what it says on the box.

Great show
This podcast is great and there is nothing like it as it is unique in its own special way. Kinda like it’s Marlboro Red smoking and bot booze making drunk of a robot host named C-bot. The human hosts and guest are pretty cool too.

Great content, Fun to listen to!
This show has great content with comedy mixed in the middle.

Fun, informative, and entertaining
I’ve been listening since 2017 and a Patreon supporter for the last couple. One of my favorite pods that cover all the weird stuff out there. Brent and John were great but I do love the addition of Flora when John stepped away. Highly recommended.
What is not to love? Hysteria 51 has a deep back catalog, diverse topics, and a homicidal robot named Conspiracy Bot who peddles wood alcohol and plots world domination! There are a lot of paranormal podcasts out there, but few manage to thread the needle of telling a good story without asking the listener to give up any pretense of critical thinking about the topic. Brent Hand and David Flora (along with previous co-host John Goforth, who may or not may not be the Robot Kyle inside an empty Amazon box now) have great chemistry, actually DO research besides reading Wikipedia and know how to give a great guest interview. Also, and this is a big plus in my book, neither of them are averse to good fart joke! Give Hysteria 51 a listen but under no circumstance accept ANY food or drink from C-Bot!

You get your money’s worth! Wait…
Been listening since the beginning back before C-bot found his voice. Now he don’t shut up about cats or dominating the meat-sacks or Bot Booze. Anywho, these guys have kept me entertained while on my mail route, through snow storms, heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. Have low expectations and you have nowhere to go but up 😉. Seriously, if you like Fortean subject matter and like to laugh, then these chuckle-butts do not disappoint. You will also learn to tolerate the artificial life forms!