Hoer Verde: The Ghost Town That Ghosted Us | 334

It's "Hoer Verde" time, the Brazilian village that, like a magician's assistant or Conspiracy Bot after a paternity suit, disappeared without a trace! The villagers are said to have vanished, leaving behind only a cryptic message and one used gun.
We unpack this Bermuda Triangle of towns, which went poof! before anybody could say "unexplained phenomenon". We've got "eyewitness" accounts, wild theories (think aliens and black holes), and a hefty helping of pure, unadulterated confusion.
So tune as tell the tale and ask the important question, is this all just B.S.? All that and the return of Kevin this week on Hysteria 51!
Special thanks to this week’s sources:
Koontz, Dean. Phantoms. Berkley, 1983.
The Mysterious Disappearance of Hoer Verde, Brazil in 1923 - https://youtu.be/63SYhMhSQdM
Mysteries and Oddities: Hoer Verde, the Village that vanished, 600 people who suddenly disappeared! - https://youtu.be/EcYgUlN0Bz0
ExplorersWeb - https://explorersweb.com/exploration-mysteries-hoer-verde/
To Contrive & Jive - https://tocontriveandjive.wordpress.com/2021/04/11/the-vanishing-of-hoer-verde/
Anomalien - https://anomalien.com/the-mysterious-case-of-the-disappearance-of-an-entire-village-in-brazil/
Infinity Explorers - https://www.infinityexplorers.com/disappearance-hoer-verde-village-residents/
Cool Interesting Stuff - https://coolinterestingstuff.com/hoer-verde-the-town-with-600-inhabitants-that-vanished
Factschology - https://factschology.com/mmm-podcast-articles/mysterious-disappearance-hoer-verde-brazil-1923
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Kevin Crispin
Kevin Crispin is a Mental Health Advocate, Podcaster, Public Speaker, Actor, and Writer. As someone who has suffered from severe anxiety, Kevin uses his life experiences to shed a light on Mental Health as well as work to connect people through kindness, humor, and empathy. He is the host of the weekly podcast Sad Times.
Each week on Sad Times, he has a kind and generous guest who comes on and tells difficult stories from their lives. He believes that difficult stories are universal, but are not universally told. To be aware of our own fear and anxiety and depression can allow us room for the grace and kindness to understand that our fellow humans are dealing with a version of the exact same thing.
He believes each of us is a collection of stories, and that stories are the great healing currency of humankind: the more we hear, the more we heal.
He believes in kindness, he believes in humor, he runs from tornado sirens.
Learn more at the links below