Laura Krantz

Laura Krantz Profile Photo

Author / Podcaster / Producer

Laura Krantz is a journalist, editor and producer, in both radio and print, and co-founder of Foxtopus Ink. Her podcast, Wild Thing has received critical acclaim from Scientific American, Rolling Stone, and The Atlantic, which named it one of the best 50 podcasts in 2018 and 2020. Wild Thing is also the inspiration for a series of non-fiction, middle-grade books from ABRAMS Kids, including The Search for Sasquatch (2022) and Is There Anybody Out There? (Fall 2023).

In addition to Wild Thing, her recent work includes editing and production work on The Syndicate (Imperative Entertainment/Foxtopus), Side Door (Smithsonian), Air/Space (Smithsonian), and others. Laura's prior experience includes a decade of editing and producing at NPR in Washington, DC, and at KPCC in Los Angeles.

Her writing has appeared in Popular Science, Smithsonian Magazine, Outside, High Country News, Newsweek and, her personal favorite, the Archie McPhee Catalog. She currently lives in Denver but home will always be Idaho.

Nov. 8, 2023

Is There Anybody Out There? Laura Krantz Returns to H51 | 355

We are venturing back to the Wild Side this week as author, producer, podcaster, and all around awesome person Laura Krantz makes her triumphant return to the Lower 4th Dimension. And buckle up, because her resume is legit! L...
Guest: Laura Krantz
Aug. 9, 2023

Laura Krantz: Wild Thing | 344

We are getting WILD this week with the help of author, producer, podcaster, and all around awesome person Laura Krantz. And buckle up, because her resume is legit! Laura is an American journalist, podcaster and author. She wa...
Guest: Laura Krantz