Season 9

March 15, 2021

Resurrect Dead: Toynbee Tiles & Jupiter & 2001, Oh My! | 225

Toynbee Ideas in Kubrick's 2001 Resurrect Dead on Planet Jupiter. No, that's not some strange Fortean Mad Libs, it's a message that, in various iterations, has been found across the world for over 30 years. Etched into street...

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March 8, 2021

Mad Blurry Hysteria | Bonus

It's Mad Blurry Hysteria Time on H51! This week Brent tries to sell us the Lizzie Borden house, David swears Nibiru is gone for good, and Chris flirts with Tom DeLonge on twitter. All that and more on this week’s Mad Blurry...

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March 3, 2021

CAFEteria 51 - Chicken Feet

The cafeteria has reopened and we're kicking off the new season with a bang...or a cluck. This week we scratch our way through CHICKEN FEET! How are they prepared? Are they tough? Do you eat the nails? We ask the tough questi...

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March 1, 2021

The Missing Apollo Missions: Star Destroyers and Alien Bodies | 224

You probably think the Apollo missions to the moon ended with Apollo 17. Wake up sheeple! Rumor has it we went back for at least 3 more Apollo missions. Why? Discovery of an alien spacecraft on the dark side of the moon, that...

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Feb. 22, 2021

The Mysterious Disappearance of Walter Collins | 223

It's hard to imagine the emotions that must be associated with the disappearance of a child. The intersection of loss, hope, and utter anxiety must be crushing. Now imagine you’re in that situation and one day, SOMEHOW, you g...

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Feb. 15, 2021

Sun Studio: The Birthplace of Rock 'N' Roll | 222

We take a detour from our regular H51 shenanigans this week so we can bask in the awesome that is Sun Studio in Memphis Tennessee. Why you ask??Because Reasons!! Reasons like Sun Studio is known worldwide as “The Birthplace...

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Feb. 8, 2021

Stonehenge: Britain's Prehistoric Legos | 221

Not much description needed here. This week we talk Stonehenge, the prehistoric British monument built by aliens for Druidic sacrifices. Ok, well, the prehistoric and British parts are at least true. But WHO actually built it...

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Feb. 1, 2021

Butterbox Babies | 220

We wish we could tell you this week's topic is some weird cryptid or a yet to be discussed alien species. Unfortunately, it's something much worse (and Canadian!) "Butterbox Babies" is a reference to the size of the boxes a d...

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Jan. 25, 2021

The Jersey Devil | 219

There are rules in this world. Rules not meant to be broken. Don't feed a Mogwai after midnight. Don't invade Russia in the winter. And for the love of all that's holy, don't curse your 13th child to the devil while living in...

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Jan. 18, 2021

The Most Evil Car in America | 218

What's the most evil car in America? Is it a 90's white Bronco? Perhaps one of those semis that spilled 1000s of gallons of booze all of the highway? The PT Cruiser? All good guesses but no, the most evil car in America is......

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Jan. 4, 2021

Clowns | 217

We get funny like a clown this week as we take a look at...well...clowns. Where did these much maligned children’s characters come from? Why do we find them so frightening? Did anyone ever win the Grand Prize Game? Well, for ...

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Dec. 31, 2020

New Years 2021: Three Skeleton Key

Happy New Year! And as a New year's tradition here on H51, we ring in the year with a old time radio drama. This year Vincent Price is on tap for Three Skeleton Key, a show did did live on air both in 1950 and 1953. Now, le...

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Dec. 28, 2020

1941 Cape Girardeau UFO Crash: The Alien Coverup Before Roswell | 216

No one expects their grandma to hit them with some crazy family secrets while on her deathbed. But when those secrets involve a UFO crash, dead alien bodies, and a U.S. government coverup - well, granny sure knows how to go o...

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Dec. 21, 2020

2020: It's a Wrap! | 215

2020 Wrap: Monoliths, Galactic Federations, and Potted Meat. We run screaming from 2020 like...someone trying to quickly escape a really crappy year (give us a break, we ran out of metaphors around the 34th month of 2020). To...

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Dec. 14, 2020

The Richat Structure: The Eye of Africa or The Heart of Atlantis? | 2…

There isn't much we know about Atlantis (including whether it actually existed or not). And the few things we think we DO know are steeped in Greek lore. But what if Atlantis DID exist and wasn't anywhere near Greece? What if...

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Dec. 7, 2020

The Circleville Letters | 213

How do you know things are serious? 1. Robert Stack gets involved. 2. Robert Stack gets involved... 'nuff said. How did a simple affair send one man to jail, kill another, and terrorize an entire a mystery that re...

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Nov. 30, 2020

The Woman in Black at the Drake Hotel | 212

Drake Hotel - Chicago. While it's everyone's favorite boutique hotel that doubles as a plot point in Mission Impossible it ALSO happens to be the setting for an UNSOLVED MURDER-most-foul in 1940's Chicago. A mysterious woman ...

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Nov. 23, 2020

Spring-Heeled Jack Revisited | Bonus

HOUSEKEEPING!!! WANT ME FLUFF PILLOW??? Maybe not that housekeeping, but it is a housekeeping week on Hysteria 51. We are switching to new host. What does that mean for you? Nothing, everything stays the same. But for us it j...

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Nov. 16, 2020

The Swimmers of Lake Baikal | 211

"You just never know what you'll see when you go swimming in Siberia." It's one of our favorite quotes (and one we just made up), but it's true and this week's topic proves it! In 1982 a team of Russian Navy divers go explori...

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Nov. 9, 2020

Mel's Hole | 210

Sometimes nature's rules don't apply. Paranormal phenomena defy physics. Living beings defy death. Substances and materials defy their own make-up. And sometimes random holes in the Pacific Northwest do all of the above! At l...

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Nov. 2, 2020

It's Electric: The Electric Universe "Theory" | 209

You didn't think flat-earthers had cornered the market on looney tunes, pseudoscientific explanations for how the world works, did you? Well, we pop that thought balloon this week as we delve into the world of the Electric Un...

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Oct. 31, 2020

Shadow People Revisited: A Hysteria Halloween | BONUS

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! This year we decided to jump in the H51 time machine and go back to episode 57 from 2017 for Shadow People Talk! Original Description: You’re laying in bed half asleep, half awake and see something out of th...

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Oct. 26, 2020

The Cash-Landrum Incident pt 2 | 208

We've got UFOs, a potential rapture, and military helicopters. And that was just the tip of the huge, diamond shaped iceberg (so huge, it was likely bigger than a Walmart). Where did the radiation sickness come from? Was the ...

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Oct. 19, 2020

The Cash-Landrum Incident Part 1 | 207

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend. Well, not so much if said diamond is flying in the sky, messing up your sweet Oldsmobile, and emitting cancer causing radiation that ruins your life. We know what you’re thinking, "...

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