Three quarters of the United States’ public water supplies and supplies of at least 24 other countries are artificially fluoridated. Meaning, fluoride is added to the drinking water to pass it along to the population. Ostensi...
The internet is full of mysteries. Most of them are driven by either a lack of information or a gigantic leap in logic. But then there’s some, some that can’t be explained away by ignorance. Some that can’t be ignored by logi...
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago. He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow. Most people look at him with terror and with fear. But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear. He could preach the Bible lik...
Grigori Rasputin was one of the vilest, yet powerful villains in history. He was a giant both metaphorically and literally. He controlled magical powers of the dark arts, likely supplied by the devil. He was so powerful that ...
So often on shows like this we talk about a cryptid that might not even have ever BEEN. Their mere existence; conjecture – their birth; legend. BUT, this case is a bit different. The Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger was a real, h...
“He slimed me”. This quote from the venerable parapsychologist Dr Peter Venkman was likely your introduction to the phenomenon known as ectoplasm. But Slimer and the Ghostbusters weren’t the first folks to encounter the goo. ...
Happy New Year!!! The Man Who Murdered Time (Radio Show) Originally Aired: January 1, 1939 A mad scientist, who is dying from an incurable heart disease, builds a time machine. He then relives December 31 over and over again ...
Ear splitting sound- Check. Immense pain- Check. Loss of balance- Check. Loss of bowel control- Check. Skin boiling- Check. All sorts of other happy fun time activities?!?!?! Check! No, we aren’t headed to an ICP concert, it’...
CBot wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas.... But he is lazy.... So he decided to just re-upload our Krampus Episode to make your festivities even jollier. Enjoy!! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and you know wha...
This week Brent sits down with Alan Stivelman, director of Witness of Another world, a fantastic new documentary: A lonely gaucho named Juan lives a solitary existence on a remote farm ever since he witnessed a UFO event. Fil...
The Lower 4th is full of visitors this week as the regular show is crashed by Joeba Fett & Ripley Scott of Close Encounters of the Slurred Kind. And any good house guest doesn't come empty handed, they bring with them 3 crazy...
IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE.... Or maybe another dimension? I guess it could be a robot from some lab... Heck, it could have just come from its nest! Whatever the Flatwoods Monster is, we are talking about it this week. And, it'...
It’s back into the world of cults this week as we take on Waco part Deux, the return of the Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh,the septuagenarian buggering wannabe rock-star turned sinful messiah. We are focusing on the sie...
How did a septuagenarian buggering wannabe rock-star suffering from dyslexia go from handyman to cult leader, culminating in the death of 80 people? We try to answer that very question this week (and not because Cbot is looki...
Ever have a story you just can’t seem to wrap your head around? For me it’s TTSA, and Robert Bigelow. Luckily, I called in the Dr. for a 2nd opinion. This week Dr. Chris Cogswell returns to the lower 4th Dimension to talk Rem...
Goforth calls in from ... umm... vacation... to give us an update on some awesome changes coming to the show for 2020. More research, more H51 adventures, and what the heck happened to KYLE?!?!?! Plus, the amazing tune The Ba...
From the first contact in 1942, a series of diplomatic visits to discuss matters of mutual concern were planned. Under the treaty 23/04, these meetings would take place in secrecy, a limited number of special agents would esc...
Look, up in the sky… It’s a Bird… It’s a plane… It’s a 13,000-year-old alien probe sent to keep an eye on us! Those that believe the Black Knight Satellite is real say it is just that, and the story has all the best players- ...
Never judge a book by is cover, judge it by the bumps on its head! Or so Franz Joseph Gall would have had you believe when he developed Phrenology in the 1700’s. That’s right, it’s pseudoscience week this week as Kevin Crispi...
The death of your child has to be one of the worst things a parent ever has to face. Now imagine everyone blames you, you go to prison for it, and the event becomes the butt of a world wide joke. FUN! Yeah, probably not, but ...
This week Brent takes over host duties as John is on assignment in… Delaware… But have no fear, David Flora of Blurry Photos Podcast steps up and channels his inner Goforth. Plus CBot throws his hat into the hosting ring(don’...
We’ve all been there – you’re on the job and something goes wonky with your welding gun. Next thing you know you’re telepathic and can not only read the thoughts of your co-workers, but also an evil race of robots living unde...
We’re back in the cryptid cornucopia this week with Mongolian Death Worms. We know, we know….they sound cuddly, but we wouldn’t suggest snuggling up. These enormous worm-like creatures allegedly live in the Gobi desert and sn...
This week we… Well, this week… You see, a funny thing happened on the way… It’s like…hmm…it’s like a Hysteria 51 adventure... Ah, forget it. You better just listen for yourself. Written by Michael Paul Gonzalez ( MichaelPaulG...