Can the government “weaponize” the weather? Are cataclysmic natural events around the world actually the result of an even colder war taking place between enemy states? If so, how would they do it? Enter HAARP – the The High ...
While they were busy losing the war, the Nazi’s were also failing at acquiring another type of power – supernatural. And while we know these wastes of oxygen did unequivocally lose the war…some wonder about their success in t...
Remember in Ocean’s Eleven when George Clooney boarded a plane wearing a dark suit and tie and opened his brief case showing a bomb to the flight attendant and hijacked the plane? Then he demanded 200K in cash, four parachute...
Ever throw a great party only to have it crashed by an unexpected guest that shows up and ruins the whole thing? Eats all the guacamole, drinks all the beer, is actually an ancient alien civilization and/ or a rogue planet sp...
It’s split pea soup and spinning head week on Hysteria 51 as we take on demons and exorcisms! We take a look at some well known demonic entities from all across the world (not just Conspiracy Bot this time), dive deeper into ...
Had enough flat earth yet? Us either. This week we continue our flat earth roundtable with 2 flat earth experts (feels like a weird word to use there, but hey they know their argument), guys from NASA and SpaceX, and an astro...
This week’s show is a bit different. Don’t get us wrong, it’s still bad jokes and less than accurate information. Only this time it’s in roundtable form! Round table…but FLAT EARTH! See what we did there? Joining us are pundi...
Time travel, earthquake machines, and death-rays. No, not former WWE tag teams, but rather just a few of the thousands of inventions Nikola Tesla might have been responsible for. This brilliant (albeit batsh*t) inventor and s...
In July 1947 something crashed in the desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico. Was it an alien aircraft? A top secret military experiment? A ham sandwich? There are literally 1000’s of theories as to what actually happened in t...
Tupac, Paul McCartney, and Elvis walk into a bar…ok there really isn’t an end to that joke, BUT there ARE a ton of folks out there that believe two of them are still alive (and Paul is dead)! Not to mention Beyoncé and Jay Z ...
Could we all be sliding through space and time, switching dimensions like yesterday’s underwear? Or, could we just have really bad memories?! We get to the bottom of it this week as we dive into the Mandela Effect. How is it ...
This week’s show is the inaugural edition of H51 “Up All Night”. No set topic or agenda – just your favorite hosts (and Brent) bantering about all things conspiracy theory, mystery, unusual, and unexplained. Plus, is the Moth...
All around the world mysterious circles, patterns, and shapes have appeared in farmer’s crops for decades, if not centuries. But what are they? Could alien life be communicating with us? Does the Earth hold untold mysteries t...
Jack the Ripper and H.H. Holmes are two of the most prolific Gilded Age serial killers. The former terrorizing prostitutes in London while the latter killed unsuspecting Chicago women fresh off the train. But what if it was a...
Lots of ships out there claim to be haunted, but not many can claim over 150 ghosts! This week’s topic does just that. The RMS Queen Mary was an active ship for over 30 years before being turned into a hotel in the LBC (that’...
Imagine this Zillow listing: This charming and spacious 3 floor hotel has been lovingly maintained by the original owner for years! Interestingly angled, narrow corridors with…mood lighting. Dead ends and generous stairways t...
Is reality real? Or could we be living in a computer simulation? Simulation theory proponents (from Elon Musk to Neil DeGrasse Tyson) claim that we are living in a Simulated Reality and are blissfully unaware. But what does t...
Ah, the old west. It was a simpler time. Horse drawn carriages, local general stores, barn raising, consumption, etc. Ya know…simple. That is until a cigar shaped UFO crashes into your windmill and then crushes the petunias. ...
Ever meet a kid and they just creep you out for some reason? Now imagine you took a closer look and the child’s eyes were completely black…like the whole thing. Well, hundreds of people across the world claim to have met thes...
The Ripper is back! This week we dive back into merry ol’ England and explore who could have been killing all of these drunk prostitutes. Was it a quack doctor who was also involved in the Lincoln assassination? What about Le...
Jack The Ripper, there isn’t a name more synonymous with murder than this Victorian aged serial killer. Though it’s been close to 130 years since his last murder, the lore and mystery behind the Ripper is as strong today as e...
In early 2013 guests of a seedy LA hotel began complaining that the water tasted funny. At the same time a girl who had been staying at said hotel was missing. You can probably guess where this is going. But human flavored wa...
In 1975, a group of seven men are driving home after working in a forest when they see a mysterious light. Intrigued, Travis Walton leaves the truck — only to be sucked up by a flying saucer. Walton reappears five days later ...
Ah, San Francisco in the late 60’s – free love, copious amounts of drugs, peace, harmony, and MURDER? The Zodiac Killer – an infamous serial killer who terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area for nearly a decade – has not been ...