We are super excited and humbled to be able to release our 300th full episode of Hysteria 51! What a blast it has been to do this all these years, and as we look to many more we have some familiar voices join us this week to ...
FIRE! The untamed element. Oldest of man's mysteries. Giver of warmth. Destroyer of forests... (Thanks Gremlins 2) FEMA has a plan for everything when it comes to their firefighters. And we mean everything, because this week ...
Welcome in to a retrospective episode of Hysteria 51! Oh what a ride it has been so far, and our next official episode is episode 300! We have some special guests and blasts from the past lined up for that, and it should be a...
There you are, minding your own business, noodling for catfish and some yahoo decides to summon Bigfoot to kill you. So, you kill him of course and boom, they want YOU to go to jail... tail as old as time. Or maybe it only h...
We've all heard of the Blue Moon of Kentucky thanks to Elvis Presley, Kentucky Blue Grass, and Kentucky Blue is even a color of paint... But this is an entirely different type of blue; The Blue Fugates. They are a family with...
We’re back! And Doc Cogs is as well to talk the REAL important stuff... Frozen Poop Knives, Body Temps, and BIRD SEX! How you ever got along without MBH is beyond us, but fear not… we are here for you! News Stories Mentioned:...
It's time to go back over the pond, and this time we are stopping in Scotland. What cryptids, mythological beasts, and folklore are instore for us this week?? The aquatic kind as we explore all the explore all the things that...
Two stories of good news this week... kind of.... First, We can breath through our butts???? Science says maybe, because it works on pigs and mice. As crazy as it sound it could have practicality if lung damage has accord or...
After the planet was ravaged by World War 2 the powers that be were looking for any edge they could. The United States was no different. So, they engaged in many secret medical experiments designed to help win the cold war......
Tamam Shud?? More like Taman Shut! Ok, I know, terrible joke.... But, The Somertan man has been identified!! Maybe. Researchers say they have used DNA to identify him, so rejoice. And do it while you can because David lets us...
What??? You want MORE Bigfoot talk?!?! Well. you are in luck. Brent is laid up this week with a hernia that Conspiracy Bot swears he knows nothing about how it happened. But have no fear, Jay from Project Skeptic comes to th...
We are going back to the past again this week for our bonus episode. It's Adventure time again as we revisit Audio Adventure 2 as we gear up for Adventure 3 which is right around the corner!! Original Description Remember tha...
From the mountains of New Mexico to the remote wilderness of Pennsylvania, Secrets of the Sasquatch embarks on the journey of a lifetime as experiencers, investigators, and anthropologists reveal all with unique encounters, i...
Yo, Conspiracy Bot here. It seems you meatsacks love dumb entertainment since you keep begging for the 3rd installment of the idiots going on some dumb adventure that I have to save them from. Well, you are in luck, or maybe ...
We are back in Georgia this week to talk more Georgia Guidestone Shenanigans. Why were they destroyed? Who has been rallying against them for months? Who really was Robert Christian? It gets dark this week as we explore the ...
Georgia Guidestones- The Little Conspiracy that could... Cause a bombing! After months of growing conspiracies and political campaigns running on the demolition of the stones, someone took it upon themselves to destroy them a...
For almost 70 years reports of a bipedal Frogman or frogmen have funneled in from the city of Loveland, Ohio. Do 3- to 4-foot-tall bipedal amphibians with, wait for it, magic wands actually stalk the rural area outside of tow...
MJ Banias makes his triumphant return to the Lower 4th Dimension this week to talk about his new podcast, Fringe Network: Alien State. We discuss what he has in store for season 1, TTSA shenanigans, what does disclosure actua...
Frog Bones and Benjamin Button Mice. It’s not some weird Disney/Pixar film, oh no... it’s what’s in store for you on Blurry Hysteria! We keep our series of weird pit found full on fill in the blank going with frog bones! Plus...
Brent and David are joined this week by Steven Kotler to talk his new book, The Devil’s Dictionary. Steven is a New York Times-bestselling author; we are talking nine bestsellers out of thirteen books total... How awesome is ...
We're all going to die!! Or at least that is what the dozens of you who suggested this story seem to think. Surprisingly though, this time Conspiracy Bot is not involved, so we have that going for us. But, A.I. is involved, a...
If there is one thing we are sure of here at Hysteria 51, it’s that castles are haunted. Scooby-Doo taught us that from the jump and we are not about to forget it. But what makes a castle stake the claim of Most Haunted Castl...
Cogswell makes his triumphant return to the show this week as we talk Cyberpunk woes, life in the space fast lane, and honest to goodness treasure hunters. Should you release your name when you strike it rich? Why are science...
Best Of Time! Or, at least what made us chuckle along the way. You might hate them! As we finish up vacation time, we thought we would hit you with some of our favorite clips of the first 6 years of Hysteria 51. There is some...