A conspiracy that leaves theorists a little Red in the face. Check your struts and chutes, Flora is blasting off straight into the heart of the lost cosmonaut conspiracy theory! A conspiracy involving soviet coverup of terrib...
In 1936 a UFO allegedly crashed in the Black Forest near Frieberg, Germany where Hitler's SS quickly recovered it for research. Could it be that THAT craft and the technology garnered from it ALMOST turned the tide of the war...
This week we're diving into the briny deeps to fish out some delicacies…specifically octopus and squid! And while it may be true that we'll eventually learn octopi are super-intelligent beings from another world, in the meant...
Well, we finally did it. We finally sold out. Specifically, we finally had a Patreon member silly enough to pay for the level that lets them join the show and pick the topic. That listener? Cebastian Tekin. The topic? Sleep …
Nation, April Fool's comes early this year as we hand our feed over the The Ladies of strange this week to hear some spooky story shenanigans. First, Tiffany tells us the urban legend of the seven sisters. Then Ashley tells …
Tons of kids have an imaginary friend. It's the same old song and dance. "Mom! Dad! My imaginary friend wants to push me on the swing! My imaginary friend is an old man in a black suit. My imaginary friend …