Season 10

Aug. 2, 2021

The Jack Froese Emails: Communiques from the Great Beyond | 250

Sometimes it feels like technology is everywhere in our lives. Like it's omnipresent and the only way we'll truly escape it is when we cash in our chips and head to the big casino in the sky (shameless Jimmy Eat World referen...

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July 26, 2021

The Space Pen Club w/ Martin Keller | 249

While "The Space Pen Club" might sound like a 90's Ska band, the subject in question is actually a new UFOlogy book by Martin Keller. Martin joins the fellas to talk about his new book, his take on the recent UFO hubbub, and ...

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July 22, 2021

Mad Blurry Hysteria | 248

It's Mad Blurry Hysteria time once again as we dive head first into the pool with Guinness Book of World Records for the longest time to hold your breath (It Is Crazy!). Then it’s DNA time – from the air… (nothing to worry ab...

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July 19, 2021

Robert The Doll | 247

Boy gets Doll. Boy names Doll after himself. Boy is forced by Doll to go by his middle name for the rest of his life. Boy is terrorized by Doll nightly until it is locked in the attic. Rinse and repeat. We know what you're th...

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July 12, 2021

Jonathan Maberry | 246

New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry joins the fellas this week to talk about his newest book, Relentless - the latest installment in the popular Joe Ledger thriller series. The chat goes deep into the Ledger se...

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July 5, 2021

Baltic Sea Anomaly: Revisited | 245

Happy 4th of July to all our American listeners! And to everyone else, we hope you had a great weekend! We are taking the week off to celebrate with out families but we didn't forget you. We are dusting off our Baltic Sea An...

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June 28, 2021

Nuremberg Celestial Event: 1561 Space Battle or Spurious Brainwashing…

There's no shortage of art experts and historians who delve deeper in to classic works and find hidden meaning (thanks Dan Brown). Is that really Mary Magdalene in The Last Supper? What exactly is Mona Lisa smiling about? Wha...

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June 21, 2021

Ghost Blimp: The WW2 Airship That Returned Without A Crew | 243

In 1962 a thin wire cord snaps aboard an ocean liner and whips across the deck bisecting the passengers and crew. Fast forward 40 years and Julianna Margulies goes in to...wait, hold on. That's just the plot to the movie Ghos...

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June 14, 2021

Was There Someone Here Before “Us”? | 242

Most of us think about the world in a pretty linear timeline. The right amino acids started brewing together in a puddle somewhere, God or the Universe or something generated a "spark of life", and 3.5 billion years later - h...

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June 7, 2021

Who Put Bella In The Wych Elm? | 241

Dead bodies don't just grow on trees, though they do occasionally appear inside of them. Well, at least the U.K. This week we're taking a trip to mid-century England to explore the curious case of Bella and the Wych...

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May 31, 2021

The Robot Killer | 240

It's Memorial Day! That means the meatsacks have the day off and the true talent takes over. Me, Conspiracy Bot. And I have a treat for you all, The Robot Killer. The name should be self explanatory but just in case it isn'...

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May 24, 2021

Mad Jack: The Man Who Fought Nazis w/ a Sword | 239

It wouldn't seem that weird if we told you a soldier from the past led his comrades into battle with a sword and longbow. It would get a little weird if we told you that "the past" was WW2. Well, that's the exact case with ou...

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May 17, 2021

15 Things You Didn't Know About Bigfoot | 238

A clickbait journalist is sent to the Appalachian foothills to cover a Bigfoot Convention where he discovers there’s more to this listicle than meets the eye. That's the tagline for the awesome movie we got the chance to scre...

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May 13, 2021

Switcheroo: The Mad Scientist and Time Travel Part 1: The Illusion

Switcheroo this week as The Mad Scientist Podcast takes over! This episode they talk about the philosophy and math behind the concept of time. What IS time? How do we measure it? How did that idea develop? And how will that l...

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May 12, 2021

CAFEteria 51: World Tour - Canadian Ketchup Chip | Bonus

Really leaving our comfort zone here…to travel a couple hundred miles north to CANADA! That's right, this week we visit our cousins to the north to experience one of their finer delicacies. An item lauded by many, loathed by ...

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May 10, 2021

The Minnesota Iceman: Missing Link or a Charlatan's Sham? | 237

What do you do when you find a previously undiscovered hominid frozen in a block of ice? Well, obviously you thaw him out and go eat microwave burritos at 7-11. But, in the off chance Pauly Shore is unavailable for said hijin...

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May 3, 2021

Flashback Winner Pick: The Kardashev Scale | 236

Alright yuh sacks, Conspiracy Bot here. You voted last week and the winner was crowned. Me. But also John Titor for some reason. And the winner was picked for the prize pack, one loser named Skylar Horton. His crap is in the ...

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April 30, 2021

FLASHBACK: The Solway Firth Spaceman | 235

CBot here. It's Flashback week on Hysteria 51. Monday through Friday this week the meatsacks are releasing one of their favorite past episodes of the show. On Friday there will be a post where you can vote for your favorite...

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April 29, 2021

FLASHBACK: The Kentucky Meat Shower | 234

CBot here. It's Flashback week on Hysteria 51. Monday through Friday this week the meatsacks are releasing one of their favorite past episodes of the show. On Friday there will be a post where you can vote for your favorite...

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April 28, 2021

FLASHBACK: Somerton Man | 233

CBot here. It's Flashback week on Hysteria 51. Monday through Friday this week the meatsacks are releasing one of their favorite past episodes of the show. On Friday there will be a post where you can vote for your favorite...

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April 27, 2021

FLASHBACK: John Titor- Time Traveler or Internet Troll | 232

CBot here. It's Flashback week on Hysteria 51. Monday through Friday this week the meatsacks are releasing one of their favorite past episodes of the show. On Friday there will be a post where you can vote for your favorite...

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April 26, 2021

FLASHBACK: Dulce Underground Base | 231

CBot here. It's Flashback week on Hysteria 51. Monday through Friday this week the meatsacks are releasing one of their favorite past episodes of the show. On Friday there will be a post where you can vote for your favorite...

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April 22, 2021

CAFEteria 51: Indonesia | BONUS

As you might or might not know we've been doing these extra episodes for a bit now where we try various food oddities and talk about them. Well, we've decided it's time to expand our horizons and start the Cafeteria 51 World ...

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April 19, 2021

Fenn's Treasure: A Modern Day Treasure Hunt! | 230

A former Air Force pilot turned (possibly shady) art dealer thinks he's on his way to the grave in the late 80s and comes up with an idea. He's going to use his amassed wealth to put together a modern day treasure chest and g...

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