“He slimed me”. This quote from the venerable parapsychologist Dr Peter Venkman was likely your introduction to the phenomenon known as ectoplasm. But Slimer and the Ghostbusters weren’t the first folks to encounter the goo. Ectoplasm has been reported and photographed for over a century. Is this paranormal plasma truly a physical manifestation of the spirit world or simply another hoax perpetuated by fools and phonies? We grab our Ecto Coolers and dive into a warm pool of Ectoplasm this week. Plus a member of the show makes their triumphant return (oh and John’s back too), bad jokes are made about being slimed (Brent is still here), and Conspiracy Bot screws up the very small amount of research he was supposed to do (stay gold, Ponyboy). All of that and more on the podcast that doesn’t always have its hosts go on sabbatical, but when we do it’s for a good reason (cheese muffins) - Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
Ghostbusters - https://imdb.to/387AjWL , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng0olzfFzog
Ectoplasm / Paranormal Kativity - https://youtu.be/mImZEPnV_C0
Haunting in Connecticut - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgYmK3cDFq8
Smirnoff on Carson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pEApsuaa1o
Dictionary.com - https://bit.ly/2P8jBgZ
Ectoplasm - https://bit.ly/33HMRjX
Gustav Geley - https://bit.ly/2YezjLV
Charles Richet - https://bit.ly/2DEfuEe
How Stuff Works - https://bit.ly/2r1jPPf
American Hauntings - https://bit.ly/2ONwmyF
The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia - https://bit.ly/2LlGE6Z
Cabinet Magazine - https://bit.ly/2rQFJVn
ThoughtCo - https://bit.ly/2OM0zOA