DB Cooper - The Only Unsolved Plane Hijacking in US History | 48

Remember in Ocean’s Eleven when George Clooney boarded a plane wearing a dark suit and tie and opened his brief case showing a bomb to the flight attendant and hijacked the plane? Then he demanded 200K in cash, four parachutes and food for the crew before releasing all the passengers. Classic Clooney amirite?!? Then 45 minutes after takeoff, Clooney sent the flight attendant to the cockpit while donning the parachute, tied the bank bag full of the money to himself, and jumped into the night. When the plane landed, all they found were two leftover parachutes and the tie Clooney had been wearing…our suave protagonist was never caught…classic Clooney! OK – that wasn’t actually from Ocean’s Eleven and George Clooney wasn’t involved – but it ACTUALLY DID HAPPEN! That’s the basic story behind the mysterious hijacking and disappearance of DB Cooper in the Pacific Northwest in the early 70s. Did he actually get away with the only unsolved hijacking in US History? Could he have survived the jump? Where did the money go? Is a bourbon and soda the suavest drink to order while hijacking a plane? Plus, Nicolas Cage threatens Conspiracy Bot (he didn’t like Captain Correli’s Violin), we discuss the unfortunate turn Nic’s movies have taken as of late, and also talk our favorite CAGE flicks. So, yeah, in retrospect…lots of Nic Cage. All of that and more on the podcast that believes the only good airplane to hijack is CON AIR – Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Skyjack: The Hunt for D. B. Cooper | Geoffrey Gray
Getting The Truth: I Am D.B. Cooper | Joe Koenig
DB Cooper and the FBI: A Case Study of America's Only Unsolved Skyjacking | Bruce A. Smith
CNN Radio - https://bit.ly/3bBnaqG
Airplane Heist - Thief Who Hijacked A Plane and Stole A Million Dollars - https://bit.ly/31Pmppl
D.B. Cooper/Wikipedia - https://bit.ly/31NRsBJ
Boeing 727/Wikipedia - https://bit.ly/2Sm3hMp
Citizen Sleuths - https://citizensleuths.com/
DB Cooper - https://dbcooper.com/
MSN - https://bit.ly/31S45Mq
FBI - https://bit.ly/38kq4he
PCGS - https://bit.ly/37lSBS8
Newspapers.com - https://bit.ly/2UKxS81
DB Cooper Report - https://bit.ly/31U3FF9
Washington Post - https://wapo.st/38o0l7D
The Oregonian - https://bit.ly/3bCDh7p
The Oregonian - https://bit.ly/39rcfhd
IndyStar - https://bit.ly/31QaAPv