Feb. 13, 2017
Dahmer | 21

Dahmer – a name synonymous with murder, serial killings, cannibalism, and Ke$ha. Sorry, it’s really the only joke we could make here. That dude sucked…and bit…and cut. Ok, we’re done. Anyway, this week we talk all things Milwaukee Cannibal. We uncover what he did and why he did it. Ok, that’s a lie – we don’t really know WHY – but we take some stabs at it. Dammit…wasn’t even trying there. Anyway, we get to the bottom of it while talking rotisserie chicken with professional sports guy Bob Fescoe and Conspiracy Bot talks through his obsession with deer blood. All of that and more on the podcast that only wants to cuddle. See, even that’s creepy…Hysteria 51.