Holy hell, do we live in a weird world or what?!?! This week it’s a Chain-Smoking Marathon Runner AND a warning by the US National Park Service to stop licking toads to get high, it’s killing them... and you!
News Stories Mentioned:
Chain-Smoking Marathoner- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/chain-smoking-marathon-cigarettes-china_n_6374c271e4b0283a8d168214?fbclid=IwAR2n1kKGxJKdY-bGXqFiMSR-nEgXyeOTPa47noqphLkzWcQhpuHtLs5CtsI
Stop Licking Toads! - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sonoran-desert-toad-licking_n_6368b860e4b0eb51ab119e8c?fbclid=IwAR0aC5I5bzV6W27MJh-bDaX04Hpcwbt635l3FRRplnGEINrlPT6MSfYb0Zs
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