Blurry Hysteria: Loch Ness Flight Hazards

Join us as we diving headfirst into a double shot of unadulterated strangeness. In our first stop we jet-set to the surreal world of commercial aviation, where an unexpected in-flight reptilian revelation left a woman demanding immediate removal from the plane. The woman insisted that her fellow passenger was an undercover reptilian humanoid, causing a flight disruption of truly extraterrestrial proportions. Was it a genuine encounter with a shape-shifting humanoid, or just a case of pre-flight jitters gone wildly out of hand? Or, more than likely, just a hoax!
Then we voyage to the chilly depths of Scotland's Loch Ness, where recently, a gaggle of gobsmacked tourists claim to have spotted none other than Nessie herself, surfacing from the murk to say hello! Was it the legendary Loch Ness Monster making a personal appearance or just a haggis having a swim? We're on the case, leaving no stone unturned or flipper-print uninvestigated.
News Stories Mentioned: Special thanks to James Polk
Lizard Wink -
Loch Ness Out for a Stroll -
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Kevin Crispin
Kevin Crispin is a Mental Health Advocate, Podcaster, Public Speaker, Actor, and Writer. As someone who has suffered from severe anxiety, Kevin uses his life experiences to shed a light on Mental Health as well as work to connect people through kindness, humor, and empathy. He is the host of the weekly podcast Sad Times.
Each week on Sad Times, he has a kind and generous guest who comes on and tells difficult stories from their lives. He believes that difficult stories are universal, but are not universally told. To be aware of our own fear and anxiety and depression can allow us room for the grace and kindness to understand that our fellow humans are dealing with a version of the exact same thing.
He believes each of us is a collection of stories, and that stories are the great healing currency of humankind: the more we hear, the more we heal.
He believes in kindness, he believes in humor, he runs from tornado sirens.
Learn more at the links below