Aurora Texas UFO Crash | 33

Ah, the old west. It was a simpler time. Horse drawn carriages, local general stores, barn raising, consumption, etc. Ya know…simple. That is until a cigar shaped UFO crashes into your windmill and then crushes the petunias. That’s what supposedly happened in the quaint Texas hamlet of Aurora. Were UFOs really visiting 1897 Texas? Did they really find an alien body in the wreckage. Did they really give it a Christian burial? If so, what denomination was said deceased E.T. These and more burning questions answered this week on the show. Plus, British Announcer Guy and Conspiracy Bot start a podcast, what to do when aliens give you arthritis, and are people with 2 first names credible witnesses? All of that and more on the show whose exes don’t all live in Texas, but most of our arrest warrants do – Hysteria 51.