Arrival of the Light Beings w/ Linda Haley | 270

It's a doozy of an episode this week as Linda Haley joins us to talk her new book. Linda is the founder and executive director of The Reiki Center, a comprehensive natural wellness center for people and their pets! She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Advanced Craniosacral Therapist and practitioner of multiple natural therapies. But more importantly to H51, Linda says that after decades of contacts by non-human messengers, she has decided to share their urgent appeal for greater understanding of spiritual truths, the importance of a deeper connection to Source and why these beings are now advancing toward Earth. And, not one to go alone, Brent is joined by David Flora who is taking over co-hosting duties for John while he is out. All that and more on the podcast that gets their enlightenment from all the fires our robot sets - Hysteria 51
Book Description:
Reports of unidentified flying objects are increasing across the globe. On June 25, 2021, the Pentagon released a 9-page report to Congress on sightings by the U.S. Navy of unidentified aerial phenomena; a more extensive accounting is expected to be made public in the near future. Author Linda Haley has released "Arrival of the Light Beings: How to Prepare for the Shift and Contact with Extraterrestrials," providing context to these reports and shedding light on the objectives of extraterrestrials and multidimensional beings. In "Arrival of the Light Beings," Haley offers an educational experience enlightening readers on the reality of life beyond Earth which was inspired by the author's real-life experiences. Written in the style of narrative fiction, the book is an autobiography of the author's growing awakening and acceptance of her role in the planet's evolution.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Arrival of the Light Beings: How to Prepare for the Shift and Contact with Extraterrestrials | Linda Haley
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