2020: It's a Wrap! | 215

2020 Wrap: Monoliths, Galactic Federations, and Potted Meat. We run screaming from 2020 like...someone trying to quickly escape a really crappy year (give us a break, we ran out of metaphors around the 34th month of 2020). To help wrap this dumpster fire we talk monoliths, galactic federations, and our favorites of 2020 (hint: Cyberpunk 2077 isn't among them). Oh, and we do a mini CAFEteria 51. All of that and more on the podcast that joyously celebrates the end of 2020, but wonders what 2021 has on its bingo card – Hysteria 51.
Special thanks to this week’s research sources:
Research Assistant - Raymond Walden IV
Stephen Interprets The Message Of The Mystery Monoliths - https://youtu.be/busUiHojAXY
Yahoo News - https://news.yahoo.com/former-israeli-space-security-chief-135211193.html
Independent - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/monoliths-around-the-world-2020-b1770335.html
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/dec/08/monolith-makers-strange-objects-aliens-reflective-wildernesses
New York Post - https://nypost.com/2020/12/04/details-of-leaked-pentagon-reports-include-unidentified-ufos/